Thursday, June 21, 2007


We got all new cabinets and countertops , and it's WAY past time for a new kitchen floor. Doing it ourselves gives us a sense of accomplishment, and something to brag about (if it turns out well, that is).

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Goodbye house!

My father-in-law Allan sold the house that Lon, Marla and Colby grew up in, to move into a retirement community. After Allan decided what to take with him, the "kids" had to take everything of theirs and some other things they wanted. The movers will pack everything else up and put most of it into storage for now. The place sure looks different! We thought that when it was empty, we should let all our kids run through it and touch whatever they want to! In the top photo you can see Kip playing his Game Boy while Marla is hard at work, packing...

Glad's new car

On May 10th, my PT Cruiser was hit for the 4th and last time. The insurance company totalled the jinxed car, and gave me a fat check. There were only 2 payments left, so there was plenty left for a nice down payment on a new car. This is it! The Chevy HHR. I know, it's very similar to the PT Cruiser; has that retro look, like an old-timey panel truck. My favorite feature is the remote start. If you leave the AC switch on, you can start the car from across a parking lot, and it's cool by the time you get in! Or in the winter, already warm when you get in.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

This April, Kip received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and 1st Communion. We had been going to "church class" as we called it, once a week since the fall, because we wanted him baptized. Because of his age, he was able to receive all 3 in one ceremony. Up until now, he had been wearing one of his dad's old jackets when the occasion called for one, but we thought it would be special to buy him a brand-new one of his very own. Too bad you can't tell how it brings out the blue of his eyes! His comment: "I can't wait for a wedding or funeral to wear it again!" (OMG, don't be wishing for funerals!!)

Monday, June 11, 2007


Hello, family and friends! Welcome to the Prather Family's very own Blog. Please come by often, and feel free to add your comments or questions, and read those left by others. Hopefully this will be another way to help keep us all in touch with each other. At the very least, it will save me from emailing each of you separately, and having each of you downloading photos from emails. But you can still email and call me, you know! :)