The Boy Scouts go camping or hiking at least once a month, and winter months are no exception. Yes, they camped overnight in January! (Better them than me!) I dropped Kip off on Saturday morning, with his friends Paul & Sam, and stayed to watch them lash together snowshoes and a backpack frame. They invited me to stay for lunch, which Kip helped cook (beef stew and grilled cheese sandwiches). Then I supervised and motivated the boys while they broke up firewood, stacked it, and cleaned the scrap wood from the area. They had quite a pile, and very little was left when I returned for them the next morning, so I suspect they were glad they had gathered so much of it. The weather was warm enough on Saturday, while the sun was out, maybe 50-55 degrees. But the temperature dropped that evening, and was in the 20's when I picked them up Sunday morning. Everything was coated with frost, and no one wanted to do much except get into a warmed car. But there were tents to fold and duffel bags to pack. Kip said he had a good time despite being cold in the night. So it's all good. And he got a chance to use all the camping gear he got for Christmas. Thanks Uncle Colby and Grandad!