Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kip's Guitar

Promised Kip that if he got good grades he could have guitar lessons. Well, his first report card this year was good enough to land him on the Honor Roll, so he got his lessons. His second report card was just as good, so I bought him a guitar. Wish I'd gotten a shot of the look on his face when he saw it! I tried to upload a video of him playing it, but I got an error message, darn it. I'll try one more time and then just post it like this.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Merit Badge Day

This past Saturday, Kip's Boy Scout troop hosted a Merit Badge Day for the troops in the National Capital Area Council. He earned his Art merit badge, and Leatherwork. He came home with a hand-decorated neckerchief slide and a coaster. Here Kip is using the leather punch to make holes for lacing, with the instructor, Mrs. Hoitt, in the background; and Mr. Hoitt gives him a pointer on keeping the rawhide straight while lacing.