Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 4th weekend

The long holiday weekend wasn't the sunniest we've seen. That's probably the understatement of the year! Friday it rained off and on all day, but cleared up in time for a great fireworks show, put on mostly by Charlie. He picked up the good stuff from PA. Saturday was nice but we took too long to get on the river, and our luck ran out. No sooner had we gotten in our tubes, then the sky opened up on us. (Ruth, Sam, Michael, Kip and me) It was funny because Charlie had insisted it was gonna rain and we all insisted it wasn't. So while we were getting poured on, floating down the river, we all agreed to adamantly deny that it had rained at all. (Like Charlie would believe that, ha ha!) The sun came out when we were about 1/4 mile from the house, and we had a nice campfire going that night. No pictures of any of that... What I do have is a pretty cloud (Lon made fun of me taking that photo) and Kip playing Greg's guitar while Sam's friend Michael played with his cell phone, and Sam lounged all over everyone. Despite the weather, we had a good time just hanging out together, and I finished 2 books! More on the next post...

4th of July 2008

We love spending long weekends in WV with our friends Charlie and Ruth! This weekend their son Sam turned 16, and Ruth made a cake for him. The rain stopped long enough for us to set off some awesome fireworks. Wish we had gotten pictures of Blizzard attacking the blazing fountains! He actually knocked one down and was trying to bite it! We joked later about his whiskers being singed off, but they weren't really. He didn't seem affected at all, and we determined that he only attacked the ones that whistle and screech. Maybe they hurt his ears? At one point he tried to hide under Lon's arm, you can see his head is under the arm of the camp chair, and Lon is reassuring him. How cute...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Our deck was a mess, and we didn't have the time or the inclination to do what needed to be done. Too hot out for people our age to be doing labor-intensive work! So while Lon was out of town I surprised him by hiring a company to power wash and then seal the deck. I laid down a new outdoor rug and a Kokopelli welcome mat. (Blizzard already has hair all over it!) Kip and I put together a new patio table and chairs all by ourselves, and I put the finishing touches (for now) today: A bushel basket of red impatiens as a centerpiece, and over in the corner of the bench, white impatiens in Kip's old beach pail, and red begonias in a gold foil-wrapped pot. There's also a small terracotta pot full of seashells. Just need some windchimes now, and some flowers in the other corner that you can't see here... I'm up for other suggestions! (Like get rid of the trash can? ha ha)