Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rock On!

Scott Robertson, the gentleman on the far left in the straw hat, is Kip's guitar teacher. His new band, Shotgun Ride, was playing in Manassas tonight. (Okay, it's early in the morning now, so I guess you'd technically call it last night...) Anyway, I went to listen to them play. I nursed two beers the whole 3 hours I was there, and ran into Kip's old Scoutmaster! Small world, right? It was lots of fun, because they play the 70's rock that I grew up on. Mostly good ol' Southern rock, like Skynyrd and Allman Brothers, with some CCR and ZZ Top thrown in for good measure. I also took some video so Kip can see Scott playing with a band, instead of just sitting across from him in his basement "classroom". Rock on, guys!

1 comment:

Marla said...

Great pictures Glad !!!!!! Nice Pumpkins. The fall is a great time and I remember those days. I know my kids do. Marla