Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Kip Goes to Camp

I dropped Kip off for Boy Scout camp on Sunday, where he will be until Saturday. It's his 4th year, and he has been looking forward to it, especially because his friend Taylor, pictured here, is going this year. His favorite activities are archery, shooting, swimming, and boating. He signed up to work on 5 merit badges! If he completes them he will be a happy camper (pun, ha ha) at the next Court of Honor. This year he felt comfortable enough about his feelings to admit he'll miss us. Of course we miss him too, but it's a great opportunity for him, something every kid should have a chance to do. See you soon, buddy!


Jill Vaughan said...

Update, update, we want an update.

Glad said...

I'm trying to figure out how to get pictures from the troop's Yahoo group thing, but I don't think I can. There are pictures of Kip working on merit badges, shooting off rockets, in a flag ceremony, at the dining hall, etc.