Thursday, May 21, 2009

For Sale, Part 3

Things are moving right along... Our townhouse passed its inspection with flying colors, and last night was the inspection of the new house. The guy says it's great! There are a few little things we should do, like one of the sliding glass doors doesn't latch quite right, and the gutter needs to be cleaned out, and so does the LR fireplace chimney. But everything is sound and functioning as it should. Closing is set for Friday, June 19th, the day after Kip's last day of school, and the day before our 22nd anniversary. Nice anniversary gift to ourselves, right?!

So now we basically just wait some more. I've been planning where the furniture should go, and making lists of things we'll need to buy, and what I should upgrade first. Like the kitchn faucet has to go, and the same with the bathroom faucets. The main bathroom is blue and outdated, but that will have to wait until after I replace the flooring in the kitchen and breakfast room. I have plans for landscaping and gardens, that my friend Lynne and her mom will help me with... This will be a never-ending project, I can see that already! But we're so happy to finally have a "real" house.

Here we have a view of the deck with some planters that I hope the current owner will leave behind; a sign that Lon found behind the shed, that I suspect will end up at the entrance to Kip's camp in the woods; and the inspector checking the chimney. I kept expecting a ton of soot to come crashing down on his head, ha ha. If this were a comedy, that's what would happen!


Chad said...

Glad and Vic-

It looks like a great place that you will enjoy for years to come! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear about the move.

Glad said...

Chad, if the move doesn't go over like a bad comedy, it will mean there were no Prathers involved, ha ha!

Jill Vaughan said...

So happy for you guys! Can't wait to see the move in pics.